Friends are like the colour pencils ,
they colour our lives ,
I may not be your favourite COLOUR ,
But hope you will need me some where to complete ur picture (unknown author)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

wanna shout out something...


huhu..gler lar sjk keblkgn ni..
Aku da terasa bahang kepanasan
kat s.alam ni..dok baring dlm bilik
di bawah kipas yg laju berpusing
pow aku berpeluh jantan cam marathon
satu malaysia.....
global warming ngah tahap cipan kowt....
ni sume gara2 pengeluaran carbon dioxide beramai2
tp bak kata anas carbon dioxide xmembrkn kesan yg drastik..
ish3...nk salahkna sape ye..
perangai manusia ler ni..
terhape2..people nowadays..
pointing other people..insaf ler..
jum amalkn car-pooling,avoid open-burning..