the latest pic with some old friends
By now, just left a month before sitting The South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE EXAM). A sudden I miss my old best friends at the secondary school. Dunno why, that feeling come over me. Maybe it reminds me about my past, which was a month before SPM. *start review* My friends and I was struggle together and help each other in our studies. I do remember every morning Hamizan wake me up and walk along coverwalk in MRSM with Anash, Eemir, Keon, Naim, Muz. I also remember the ways Keon and Tenany kept telling me to study coz i was so damn lazy till now..ish3..xberubah2..Tenany the one who practically like my mom in MRSM.the bad thing about her is she always sorok my songkok while i was sleeping during PREP MALAM...jahat noh..Keon, i like picked a fight with him esp argue on biology n chemistry facts. I admit that it is very hard to find the 'rival' like you.haha At that moment, all of us hate study and been as a MRSM 's student..But then, we are really miss every moment we were there. No such thing can be replaced or removed my sweet memories there.. As the saying goes, the greatest journey is the distance between two people..which is the distance between me and all of u..i wont forget that i have had camaraderie with you..hope our friendship will last forever..

Pic with my x-classmates, 5 Dublin and 4 Elite 1.
A very very amateur video..It was taken by me..
what a shame..huk3..but i love it coz i love good old days
ku nampak ijau..hehe
*pls pray for my success in SACE exam..*